Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Job Interview

It went really well.
This is the first job I've interviewed for in a long time that I can see myself doing and not loathing.
The idea has been terrifying to have to "go back to work" and no longer be at home with Snickerdoodle. But this job seems like I would be good at it and would be doing something important enough that I'd be willing to be away from Snickerdoodle for.
Pray it up! I think I really want this job. The interview went well for once and if I don't at least get a second interview I will be just dumbfounded.


Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

I am glad the interview went well. That must be very hard, after staying home. I don't even want to think about it. My daughter is one, and I am loving this SAHM thing. Thanks for dropping by early. The Ped Egg really is good. I am glad you agree.

TrainMommy said...

Here's hoping!! :)

Staci Eastin said...

Hope it works out!

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