Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is my new blog

I don't have much to say right now but felt like starting a blog. I was inspired by flipflopmamma Jaymi. Her organic-ness and fun blog are inspiring. Being green and cutting out sugar and all that sound like a good idea but a lot of work. So I thought I'd atleast start a blog. I'm not sure how it'll help me be more organic but we'll give it a shot.
Right now I'm watching the Cardinals in extra innings against Boston. They better pull it out. I really hate Boston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, we really only did the no sugar for a month...but we always do totally organic at home. Jon had lost a ton of weight, and got stuck, cutting out sugar really helped him over the hump...47 pounds so far:) I'm glad you started a blog!

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